Connecting Pax to POS:


1)     Go to the PAX Device

2)     Select “F”,  Enter Password “01252017”  (This is always the current date)

3)     Scroll down and Select “Communications”

4)     Enter Password “01252017”

5)     Scroll down and Select “LAN Parameters”

6)     Select IP Address (notate the IP address)

7)     Now, Select Cancel 4 times until you get back to the PAX Logo. 



8)    Go to the POS Unit and Select Back Office Icon 

9)    Select Station Settings

10)  Select PAX Terminal Settings

11)  Select “Ethernet” from the first drop down box 

12)  Go to IP Address and Enter the IP Address from the PAX terminal notated above. 

13)  Select “Set”, you should see a message Pax Settings Saved.